Mike Bamiloye won his Mother-in-law’s heart by pounding yam

We bet you didn’t know that Televangelist Mike Bamiloye is a great cook and that was one of the things that helped him win the heart of his mother-in-law, Mrs Obembe.
This was revealed in the newly released Mount Zion movie, The Train, which chronicles the true life story and journey of faith of its founder, Evangelist Mike Bamiloye. You can read our review of it (here).
According to the narration in the movie, Mike on his first visit to Gloria Olusola Obembe, who was yet to accept his marriage proposal, met her mum and after exchanging pleasantries, offered to help her pound the Yam she was preparing.
He pounded the yam so well (smooth and succulent) that Mrs Obembe fell in love with him and persuaded her daughter, Gloria Olusola to consider him.

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